Woo EssentialDivi Shop BuilderBoost conversions with Woo Essential, the all-in-one Divi shop builder

10+ Powerful Modules
16+ Start Templates & 90+ Layouts
Powering 1000 Ecommerce Websites

From $40/Year

30-day money-back guarantee
Woo Essential


Fully Customizable, Interactive & Complete Design Tools

We’ve got some cool features for you right here!
All of Woo Essential’s features provide you with flexible design tools and incredible editing functions

10+ Woo Modules

We have 10+ cut-throat eCommerce website designing modules. Easily design every aspect of a WooCommerce website.

Fully Responsive

The modules are made to be responsive on all devices for the convenience of the developers and users.

90+ Layouts

Get 90+ creative layouts to help you get started. Each layout comes with its own trendy outlook.

Our modules

New and Trending

Woo Essential Plugin and Features

Floating Item

Woo Product Carousel

An elegant carousel slider with six impressive layouts!
Within the Woo Product Carousel, some impressive features allow you to control everything. Create categorized product slides easily using the Woo Product Carousel!

Woo Product Accordion

Present products in a unique way with the Woo Product Accordion!
There are options to include products with their own categories and count. Display the products on hover or on click, accompanied by a lovely animation.

Floating Item
Floating Item

Woo Product Grid

Arrange the products in a grid format! This Woo Product Grid will enhance the product arrangement for users and viewers!

Woo Product Filter Masonry

Customize your products with categorized filters! Multiple filters can help you attract more customers. Each product can be beautifully displayed along with its category and number of items!

Floating Item
Floating Item

Woo Category Carousel

An elegant category carousel slider for your woo-commerce website. With the Woo Category Carousel, highlight the categories for the products and include product count!

Woo Product Category Masonry

Utilize Woo Category Masonry to categorize and organize the products on your e-commerce website. The results are stunning!

Floating Item
Floating Item

Woo Category Accordion

Woo Category Accordion enables you to create a categorized interactive gallery for the products. With a pleasant animation on hover or click, you can show products with their category and count.

Woo Category Grid

Create a grid to organize and categorize your products! The Woo Category Grid will make it easy for viewers to find items easily!

Help your customers find the products they wish to buy with this simple and thoughtfully designed grid format.

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Floating Item

Woo Mini Cart

Do you want to improve the customer experience of your eCommerce store? With Woo Essential’s Woo Mini Cart feature, you can quickly increase your conversion rate.

Woo Ajax Search

The Woo Ajax Search module is a powerful tool for adding an AJAX-powered search form to WooCommerce stores. It can be configured to search for products, categories, and posts and can be customized to meet specific needs. With the module, you can make your store more user-friendly and searchable.

Floating Item
Floating Item

Woo Quick View

It provides a minimal way to organize your products into a row. The customers can click and see them zoomed-in within a lightbox for quick view.

Woo Single Product

Looking for a design module to customize your single WooCommerce product? No worries, Woo Essential’s Woo Single Product module fulfills your demands. 

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Woo Product Masonry

Woo Product Masonry is a minimalistic design tool used for showcasing products in a masonry format for all Divi users! Check out the demo layouts.

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Floating Item

Woo Product Slider

With the Woo Product Slider, you can display your collection of products in a slider on any eCommerce/ WooCommerce website using Divi. You get complete control over all the settings.

Woo Product List

Design a flexible, customizable, and stylish product list to highlight the products on any WooCommerce site using Divi.

Floating Item

Speed up your own ecommerce business today

Floating Item


Complete Design Control Over Everything

With great features come great design possibilities! You get control over all of the elements concerning your design.

Here we have highlighted some versatile settings available within Woo Product Accordion. You can select between the two accordion styles, pick the accordion direction to adjust the images vertically or horizontally, adjust the height, image size, and much more!

Using Woo Essential, you can fully effectuate any design ideas you have for your WooCommerce website. Get creative!

One Pricing for Everyone

A properly categorized and well-balanced pricing table for anyone using Divi

SingleSave 20%

Best choice for individuals

$49 $40/Year

Single Website Access for a Year
Access to All Woo Essential Modules (10+)
Access to All Starter Templates (16+)
Access to All Divi Preset Layouts (90+)
Basic Customer Support
1 Year of Regular Updates & New Releases

UnlimitedSave 50%

Billed Annually/Best for Multi-Sites

$79 $40/Year

Unlimited Website Access for a Year
Access to All Woo Essential Modules (10+)
Access to All Divi Starter Templates (16+)
Access to All Divi Preset Layouts (90+)
Priority Customer Support
1 Year of Regular Updates & New Releases
Most Popular Badge

LifetimeSave 50%

Billed once for a lifetime of benefits

$289 $145/One Time

Unlimited Website Access for Lifetime
Access to All Woo Essential Modules (10+)
Access to All Divi Starter Templates (16+)
Access to All Divi Preset Layouts (90+)
Priority Customer Support
Product Lifetime Updates & New Releases
Floating Item
100% Risk Free

Money-Back Guarantee Within 30 Days!

DiviNext is glad to offer you amazing plugins, modules, and layouts for your convenience!
You can reach out to us if DiviNext Plugins are not right for you within 30 days. 100% of your payment will be refunded to you. No questions asked! It’s that simple!

This plugin is an essential part of my web design workflow! It has all the tools I need to help me boost my creativity and overall makes me more versatile! Now I can focus fully on the design-part of every web-creation. Great plugin! Great support-team! I love it!

Testimonial Item

Wade Warren

UX Researcher

This plugin is one of the "must" Divi extensions. It brings so many new options and possibilities in just a few simple clicks. Advanced CSS animations, transitions, and all "WOW" effects that make your site unique. Did I mention their support? Real-time chat with on-the-fly answers and solutions.
Thanks, guys, keep up the good work! Peace!

Testimonial Item

Jakub Iwo Zalewski


Fully satisfied with my investment! Gotta say I came across a brilliant set of modules within the Divi Essential Plugin! Very user-friendly and loving the adventure going through the 60+ modules! Just wow!

The hard work just shows! The level at which you all are bringing in the new products! Amazing! Truly grateful!

Testimonial Item

Michael Zakarian


I went for the All-Access Pass and all I can say is Wow. The modules are absolutely amazing. I had a small problem downloading the Woo Commerce modules but the real-time chat support was amazing and had it resolved in minutes, I can't thank you guys enough, and looking forward to any new modules. Definitely worth buying, Highly recommended 5*

Testimonial Item

Anthony Rose


Incredible set of modules! The Divi Next Text and Divi Next blurb are awesome, the design possibilities are endless! Excellent customer service too!

Fwa Fwa



Frequently Asked Question

What is the best definition of WooCommerce & Product?
WordPress has an eCommerce plugin called WooCommerce. WordPress users of small and large businesses can use it to build and design their online store. You can now set up your eCommerce/WooCommerce site under Divi Theme.
How do I install my Woo Essential Plugin?
Just like any other third-party plugin/extension of Divi, you have to download the zip file containing the plugin and upload it.


Here’s an instruction:

  • After you download the plugin’s zip file > go to your WordPress ‘Dashboard’
  • On the left > go down to ‘Plugins’ 
  • ‘Add New’ > ‘Upload Plugin’
  • Finally, select the (.zip) file that has the modules
  • When the plugin is uploaded successfully, you will need to ‘Save Changes’ > then click on ‘Activate’.
  • Enjoy your Woo Essential Plugin!

Here’s a similar video showcasing the installation process:

How do I customize my WooCommerce website using Woo Essential Plugin’s modules?
Once you have installed the plugin, all of the modules within Woo Essential Plugin will appear among the default modules in the Visual Builder.
Do I receive support for the Woo Essential Plugin?
For any support for the Woo Essential Plugin, or if you have purchased other DiviNext products, you can always reach out to us via our support email: support@divinext.com
What theme does Woo Essential Plugin use?
The Woo Essential Plugin is made for all Divi users under Divi Theme by Elegant Themes.
How do you provide support?
You can find answers to the Woo Essential Plugin questions in our documentation. Our aim is to provide self-help resources to empower you to manage your site.

Alternatively, you can start a live chat or submit a ticket directly related to the product you need help with via the Help Desk.


DiviNext & Woo Essential At a Glance


Cut Throat Module


Under Development


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Why Us

Why Choose Us

24/7 Support

The modules are made to be responsive on all devices for the convenience of the developers and users.

30 days money back guarantee

We have 10+ cut-throat eCommerce website designing modules. Easily design every aspect of a WooCommerce website.

Live Chat Support

Get 90+ creative layouts to help you get started. Each layout comes with its own trendy outlook.

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